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Cocktail Fun at the Grand National

grand national cocktail bars
We had fun last weekend at Aintree for the Grand National selling our premium ready made cocktails in jars.

Our cocktail bar is a converted vintage rice horse trailer. In the bright blue colour of our amazing tasting Jack Frost cocktail. We were huddled together with three other converted vintage rice trailers of the same model in the festival zone with the red rum statue.

Each vintage horse trailer had been beautifully converted and selling something different... from hand made toasted sandwiches, pimms and another selling stone baked pizza.

Having three 1960s trailers in the row looked amazing and added to the feel of the grand national festival zone while being in keeping with the great event.

And our ready mixed cocktails went down a storm. When the sun came out for the great event on the Friday and Saturday.

Nothing beats a cocktail in a jar on ladies day. Whether you won on the horses or not!

Cocktails for events

poison cocktails horse box bar
Since creating the perfect ready made cocktail product... the Poison team still felt there was something missing and that was the buzz of a busy bar! We missed dealing with customers directly so last year we looked for something cool to compliment our product and sell our cocktails from. We found a vintage 1960s british made Rice horse trailer and brought it from a keen horse rider in Birmingham.

After months of blood, sweat and plenty of tears we restored our vintage horse box into a shiny bright blue Poison Cocktails bar.

We travelled all over the country last summer with our Jack Frost coloured vintage horse box serving our premium ready made cocktails in jars at festival and concerts.

The reaction was phenomenal to our quirky jars full of amazing tasting premium cocktails.... Served from our very happy Poison bar...

So look out for us this summer as we are hoping to see you at some fun events!